Tuesday 4 September 2012


What a gorgeous day. My mum and I went to the beach expecting hoards of last minute tourists only to find a deserted stretch of sand just for us! This forest is right beside the beach so we were delighted to have it all to ourselves in the dappled sunlight; a perfect backdrop for this outfit of rich colours and fabrics.

I made these shorts myself from a piece of material I found in my bedroom and a black skirt I bought for work and never wore, with the help of a few DIY tutorials on YouTube. I'm delighted with how they turned out. The fabric has tiny mirrors sewed in, which made sewing them very difficult but it was worth the way they glimmer when they catch the light. I've already worn them on a night out and they managed to survive so I'm pretty happy with that as a quality test. I originally got the inspiration for the shorts from these beautifully shot pictures by planet blue for their august lookbook yesterday's flowers. I love everything about those pictures: the setting, the colours, the clothes and the model, but the shorts  (from the fifth and sixth pictures in the lookbook) really caught my eye and I thought "I can do that", and it turns out I can!

The lacey lilac bralet is from Topshop and the gorgeous necklace is an old one of my mum's mum. I rarely get to wear it so it's such a treat when I can. It's such a decorative piece and can really dress up an outfit. I think it fits in well with the luxurious feel of this look. 

Sorry about the unusually long post, I'm just quite proud of the fact that I made a functioning piece of clothing! Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine x


  1. I absolutely love those shorts:)

    1. Thanks Hannah! You gave me the inspiration to make them after all :) x

  2. Gorgeous Meg! Amazing you made the shorts - they're awesome! Cute bralet too :)

    Robyn Mayday xx

  3. Meg, this is just absolutely beautiful.. I adore those shorts. Gorgeous as always :) xxx
